Information on research for a book I wrote about the experiences of a helicopter Technician/Gunner who flew operational sorties in Alouette Gunships on Fireforce during the Rhodesian Bush War. (Second Chimurenga war)
I an ex member of both 7 and 8 Squadron's of the Rhodesian war spending most of my operational time on Seven Squadron as a K Car gunner. I was credited for shooting down a fixed wing aircraft from a K Car on the 9 August 1979. This blog is from articles for research on a book which I HAVE HANDED THIS MANUSCRIPT OVER TO MIMI CAWOOD WHO WILL BE HANDLING THE PUBLICATION OF THE BOOK OF WHICH THERE WILL BE VERY LIMITED COPIES AVAILABLE Contact her on
The latest news is that the Editing is now done and we can expect to start sales and deliveries by the end of April 2011
From: "Eddy Norris" Add sender to Contacts To: "Eddy (ORAFs) Norris" Message contains attachmentsGray_Textured.jpg (7KB)Distributed to ORAFs and Friends Update: Attendance numbers continue to grow - approaching the 100 mark number. A number of folk have asked for details / directions - which follows below.The Miracle - Les Booth Draw is proving very popular - with about 290 tickets sold so far. Support from the UK and New Zealand is very encouraging.I am also very pleased to report that e-mail contact has been made with the Donaldson family - with thanks to ORAFs networking.We also had a good turnout of the 'regulars' on Friday night, and particularly pleased with Bob Mumford pitching up - and his very generous purchase of Les Booth Draw tickets. Thanks Bob!Herewith tentative arrangements for Friday night 3rd October 2008 (contact details are Prop at 031-3066408 or ) Attending the Op Miracle Unveiling & Re-union
19h00 onwards Dinner to order for those wishing to do so All
19h30 Stepping Out starts playing dancing music Pete and Jean
19h30 onwards Rekindle friendships / Re-union till late All
AYES (John is arranging Name tags): Chris Abrams – South Coast? Gary Albyn – Jhb; Liz and George Archibald – Dbn – birthday!; Ted and Sandie Barnard – Pmb; Terry Bennett – UK; Reg Brink – Dbn; Al and Sarah Bruce – Jhb; Roland and Wendy Charles – Jhb; Brett and Dina Charles; Alan & Ellen Dewsbury - Umdoni; Trish d'Hotman; Ian and Shaina Doig – Dbn; Bruce and Erica Edward – Dbn; Craig Fourie; George and Lynne Galbriath – Dbn; Prop and Rina Geldenhuys & Pey and Eloise Geldenhuys – Dbn; Elliot and Rita Gordon – Sedgefield; Angela and daughter Christine; Johnny and Noeleen Green – Dbn; Bruce and Sheilagh Harrison – Jhb / Pta; Tickey and Ann Hawthorn; Ivan Holtshauzen – Howick; Toll and Anne Janeke – Dbn; Sonny and Caroline Janeke; Andy and Josie Jones – Pmb; Christopher Jones and Sarah – Dbn; Don Junner – Dbn; Pat Lockhart – Dbn; Neville Mare – Dbn; Shirley Martens and partner Pat; Brian McKelvin – Natal; John and June McKenzie – Mbabane; Peter and Helen McClurg; Tony Munnik – Dbn; Bob and Lucia Mumford; Eddy and Trisha Norris; Mike and Yvonne Ongers – Ballito; Russell and Cynthia Peinke – Umdloti; Paul Perioli and Gerta – Umhlanga; Guy and Marg Pearce; Rob and Denise Rix – Northdene; Barry Roberts – Reitz?; Ivan and Lenore Schafer; Ian Scott – Dbn; Dave and Joan Stone – Dbn; Tudor and Sue Thomas - Mauritius (+ daughter?); Kurtis and Desa van der Linde – Dbn; Boet van Schalkwyk – Dbn; Kim, Sandi and Leigh Walker – Warner Beach; Dick Warton; Billy Watt; John and Pam Whitehead – Ballito; Alf Wild – UAE; Pete and Ellie Woolcock – Toti; John and Jill Woosey – Toti
Chris and Margaret Dams – Pta; Hugh and Jane Slatter – USA (in Greece); Mike Borlace; Chris and Gail Dixon – Harare; Danny Howell – Jhb; Mike and Urs Huson; Allan Jackman – Dbn; Bob and Liz Manser – Chimoio; Keith Spence; John and Mary Redfern – Pta; Mike Simpson – Jhb (flying – external); Doug and Cheryl Smith – Kariba ; Al ‘Thoros’ Thorogood - UK; Rex Taylor – Kariba; Eddy and Moira Wilkinson - Cape: Beaver Shaw in Spain