CROSS ROBERT MUGABE AT YOUR PERIL as this article describes.
May 16, 2008
Gruesome photographs of Mugabe violence that the Daily Mail wouldn't publish
Yesterday I noted Peter Oborne's chilling article about a young woman called Memory, in Zimbabwe. Memory had her buttocks repeatedly thrashed by wooden poles - all because she is a supporter of the opposition to Robert Mugabe.
I was speaking to Peter about his undercover journalism yesterday evening and he has emailed me two photographs of Memory's savagely beaten body. The Daily Mail - quite understandably for a family newspaper - didn't want to publish the photographs but I reproduce them below as one powerful proof of the horror that Mugabe is presiding over in Zimbabwe. They are gruesome so please do not press "Continue reading..." if you are disturbed by bloody images.
If you missed Peter's article - which describes a process of "electoral genocide" - it's here.
Posted by Tim Montgomerie at 08:04 Permalink
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Everyday we hear more and more of what is happening to those in Zimbabwe, but never via the media or the SA government. Violence has now broken out in SA and all feel this is the start due to Mbeki sitting on his arse and doing nothing about the 'crisis' in Zimbabwe, and this will come back to bite him. The on going genocide around us needs to come to an end, but needs the involvement of one and all of us. Lets us all send messages to all the powers that be (UK, USA and UN) telling them to put a stop to all this.
Posted by: Chris Heron May 19, 2008 at 09:45
Dear sir, The pictures of Memory are not unique, however, The UK, USA,UN,CHURCHES and the "PRESS" all helped toward what has happened in these pictures. So I do not believe they will do anything. Such "MORAL" people. They are no better than Hitler, or Stalin themselves. sincerelyA R
Gruesome photographs of Mugabe violence that the Daily Mail wouldn't publish
Yesterday I noted Peter Oborne's chilling article about a young woman called Memory, in Zimbabwe. Memory had her buttocks repeatedly thrashed by wooden poles - all because she is a supporter of the opposition to Robert Mugabe.
I was speaking to Peter about his undercover journalism yesterday evening and he has emailed me two photographs of Memory's savagely beaten body. The Daily Mail - quite understandably for a family newspaper - didn't want to publish the photographs but I reproduce them below as one powerful proof of the horror that Mugabe is presiding over in Zimbabwe. They are gruesome so please do not press "Continue reading..." if you are disturbed by bloody images.
If you missed Peter's article - which describes a process of "electoral genocide" - it's here.
Posted by Tim Montgomerie at 08:04 Permalink
You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post.
Everyday we hear more and more of what is happening to those in Zimbabwe, but never via the media or the SA government. Violence has now broken out in SA and all feel this is the start due to Mbeki sitting on his arse and doing nothing about the 'crisis' in Zimbabwe, and this will come back to bite him. The on going genocide around us needs to come to an end, but needs the involvement of one and all of us. Lets us all send messages to all the powers that be (UK, USA and UN) telling them to put a stop to all this.
Posted by: Chris Heron May 19, 2008 at 09:45
Dear sir, The pictures of Memory are not unique, however, The UK, USA,UN,CHURCHES and the "PRESS" all helped toward what has happened in these pictures. So I do not believe they will do anything. Such "MORAL" people. They are no better than Hitler, or Stalin themselves. sincerelyA R
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I am interested especially on hearing from former ZANLA and ZIPRA combatants who also have thier story to tell.