A book most of my young Rhodesian friends read while at school or in the military DONT DIE IN THE BUNDU BY COL GRANGIER
Here's the book's foreward:
Chief Justice of Rhodesia, Chairman of the Rhodesia National Hunters' and Game Preservation Association
"Don't Die in the Bundu" is a handbook of survival techniques which are based on many years' experience of men who have lived - and some who have died - in the bush. Above all, it is based on common sense.
Men still get lost - and hurt - in the bush in this Twentieth Century. "Don't Die in the Bundu" has been written primarily for the soldier, the airman and the policeman, whose duties often take them into the bush. The book is aimed at supplementing the knowledge they acquire in their basic training and specialised exercises, but this book will also prove of great value to all those whose work, hobbies or recreation take them into the bush - the land surveyors, the contractors, the members of the National Park staff and the hunters. Organisations such as Outward Bound and youth organisations such as the Boy Scouts, whose members often spend much of their time in the bush, will also find much of interest in its pages.
The aeroplane has revolutionised speedy travel but it has also created a new hazard - the hazard of a forced landing in the bush, exposing people wholly unfamiliar with the bush to dangers to which they would otherwise never have been exposed. To aircraft pilots, particularly those who pilot small aircraft on unchartered flights across our trackless bush and for whom the risk of a forced landing in the bush must always exist, this book must prove particularly valuable.
Jeffrey Farnol said:
'He who a great good thing would know, Must to the silent places go.'
Many townsmen with no knowledge of our bush fear it, and fearing it, they avoid it. They thus never know the "great good thing" of our "silent places". They never know that they are losing something which Rhodesia with her vast wilderness areas is so well fitted to give. The townsman who is afraid of the bush should read this book, and reading it he will learn how groundless his fear really is. Losing his fear, he may well be tempted to explore our silent places.....
I therefore commend this book to every Rhodesian.
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I welcome comments from everyone on my book Choppertech.
I am interested especially on hearing from former ZANLA and ZIPRA combatants who also have thier story to tell.